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Willow and Bridge

Willow & Bridge is a small business built on a deeply-rooted foundation of love and self-knowledge. We create one-of-a-kind crafts and limited-production natural products that are intended to elevate a sense of happiness and to strengthen the body and soul. While we at Willow & Bridge do not expect everyone to completely relate to our philosophy, We do know that Love is boundless and that positive energy is real and that we all understand and yearn for the benefits of human kindness, love, and good energy. We hope you enjoy our products and we would love to hear from you anytime.

We call our little enterprise Willow & Bridge for a reason. 


Please allow us to explain:


A Willow tree is a goddess tree representing balance, growth, strength, and stability. A Willow stands firm—withstanding the greatest challenges and encouraging the expression of deeply buried feelings.


"I have been told by my closest friends that I am something of a Willow… that I exemplify a firm balance in the face of even the most challenging circumstances. I should tell you that I do not seek to highlight my own life challenges—mine are so insignificant in light of so many other’s challenges and I have a deep honor for the needs of others—but I am human… and I, like you, have had my own journey and I have grounded my beliefs in those things that inspire me and help me to be an inspiration for others. I am a Willow. " - Teresa, CEO


The Bridge symbolizes the movement from a familiar and comfortable place in life to the entering—or transitioning—into the next phase of a physical and spiritual life journey. We have all traversed from one place to the next, from one stage of life to another, from one situation to a new one—change in all its’ forms is never easy. When we are crossing the Bridges throughout life, we may be afraid and in a “seeking" state of mind—we look for safety in life’s bridges. We all have Bridges. 


"I seek to cultivate the strength and energy from a Bridge in the products I create. I want to be a Bridge—for all of us, even Bridges, will find ourselves in need of a Bridge, and there is no higher calling." - Teresa, CEO

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